This speech contest is designed to inspire today's youth to motivate and inform others through the art of public speaking. It provides young people with the opportunity to compete for college scholarships and express their views on a pre-assigned topic.
Since its start in 1928, the Oratorical Contest has become the longest-running program sponsored by Optimist International. We have seen this contest bring out the very best in students’ speaking efforts. The top-level prize is a $2500 scholarship.
Interested students prepare a speech on the pre-assigned topic to be presented at the Optimist Club of Chapel Hill's contest. The speeches are first judged at the Club level. Winners at the Chapel Hill Club contest go on to the Zone contest, competing with other winners in the Triangle area. Winners at the Zone level will compete again with other Zone winners at the Optimist District level with other Zone contest winners from eastern North Carolina.
This contest is open to students under age 19 who have not yet graduated from high school or the equivalent. There is no minimum age.
For this year's contest, the topic is: "How My Optimism Will Help Me Press on to 'Greater Achievements of the Future'".
The speech must be at least 4 minutes but not over 5 minutes in length.
Club level - The top two winners of the club contest will each be awarded a medallion and a $100 cash prize and will proceed to the next level of the contest (Zone).
District Level - The top three District winners will each receive a plaque and a college scholarship, as follows:
- 1st Place - $2500.00 scholarship
- 2nd Place - $1500.00 scholarship
- 3rd Place - $1000.00 scholarship.
Entries must be received by the Optimist Club of Chapel Hill Contest Chair by March 20, 2015 at 5:00pm.
Important: At the time of entry, all of the following documents must be provided to the contest chair:
The Optimist Club of Chapel Hill contest will be held on March 29, 2015 at 12:00 noon.At:
Chapel Hill Public Library, Meeting Room A
100 Libraty Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phyllis StoutApplication Form and Contest Rules
121 Westview Drive #25
Carrboro, NC 27510
Click here to download the official application form and complete rules.